The slow-mo analysis of his swing from behind, when he hit one of his back nine fairway bunker shots, looked astonishingly like Hogan, especially the way his held his follow-through. It looked like the famous Hy Peskin photo from Merion. I'm not saying McElroy will be the next Hogan, but his swing is a thing of beauty -- and it gets results.
I watched him hit range balls at Hazletine last summer. His girlfriend was seated on the grass about five feat from his bag. I don't know if that was Holly, but I don't think I'd ever seen a player's wife or girlfriend inside the ropes with him on the range.
I'll take the word of people who know him that he's a great guy, but it sounds as though the golf world is eager to put someone else on the same pedestal Tiger just fell from. We don't really know anything about what these guys do away from the golf course. I'll assume the best until I know otherwise, but aside from knowing that he doesn't mind practicing his swing with his girlfriend nearby, I have no basis to make any conclusions about his character.