Some very interesting comments on Carolina. I'll add my thoughts on a few things that have been brought up.
I think Carolina is a fantastic walking course. I never take a cart unless required to in a tournament. There are some hills but, in my opinion, they are no big deal except for walking back up to the clubhouse after #18 on a hot summer day. And the proximity of greens/tees makes for a short walk other than from #2 green to #3 tee.
I am going to disagree with my good friend (and member) Mr. Oden regarding the walk at CGC. Yes… the tees are close to the greens. Yes… the vistas are beautiful. But it is in no way an easy walk and anyone “unfit” should not attempt to make the trek. This fact, however, shouldn’t be held against the quality and design of the golf course!
#1… delightful
#2… you have to walk around the lake to get from the green to the fairway
#2 green to #3 tee… 300 yards up hill
#3… down a steep hill then up a steep hill to the green
#4… down a hill then up a steep hill to get to the fairway
#5… down a hill then up a steep hill to get to the green
#6… down a hill then up a hill to get to the fairway
#7… up a steep hill to get from the fairway to the green
#8… down a steep hill off the tee then up a hill to get to the fairway
#10… down a steep hill then up a hill to get to the green
#11… down a steep hill then up a hill to get to the green
#12… delightful
#13… down a steep hill then up a steep hill to the fairway
#14… delightful
#15… down a steep hill then up a steep hill to the green
#16… down a steep hill to the green
#17… up a hill to the fairway
#18… down hill all the way… brutal walk up a steep hill to the clubhouse
As a two hundred plus pounder with destroyed soccer/marathon knees… it’s tough.
It’s great exercise and a joy to walk… but it is in no way what I would call “easy.”
Mimosa and Gaston might as well be salt flats compared to CGC.