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Melvyn Morrow

The current circus that is Tiger Woods is not based upon his quality of play or good golf, it’s all about waiting for him to resume his normal position (whatever you believe that to be).

The Pro Tiger fans want to be vindicated by seeing Tiger cut a clear path through the field to take up what they consider his right place. No matter what sins or crime their hero may have been associated with.

The Anti Tiger fans want to be vindicated by seeing Tiger revert back to is normal mode pre his mating with the Fire Hydrant.  No matter what excuse is made re Tigers performance they just want to see the guy get what they believe he is due (whatever that may mean).

The semi silent Golfing Fans, care not for personalities, seeking the pure entertainment from the performance of the Golfer on the course. They hate the strutting cockerels, or the mating dance of the Birds of Paradise all of which seem to mesmerise the majority of the Golfing Public. They love the fast quick action of addressing the problem and prompt executing of the move, then the advance to the next objective. None of this Anzio caution but clear clean cut precise action to get the job done. The entertainment remaining on the course for all to witness.

However we are very seldom presented with a Super Hero, in fact do they really exist except in the mind of little boys. Our hero’s are usually flawed if not in the beginning then by the general publicity, the harassment of the public via the newspapers and magazines, we get what we help create. The imperfect hero that allows us to take our positions, yet ignoring the fundamental aspect of the game not to mention what originally brought this individual to our attention in the first place

The Road to Immortality is paved with many who never noticed their flame burning bright before being extinguished by disappointed fans they never knew. The movement from Zero to Hero dissipating due to willingness of some fans to prostrate themselves, in the hope of being  touched by the hand of a (none to reluctant) Hero.

Now we come to the simple facts of the case. First and only is the performance of Tiger on the golf course relating to his poor language through to his club throwing antics, all let’s not forget, undertaken while being televised and broadcast to the general public at large.

There is no excuse, there are no mitigating circumstances. We are discussing the top most professional people in their line of business, not just making ends meet but creating unbelievable amounts of money while endorsing many products persuading loyal fans to purchase. A very successful golfing professional now raised to a highly prominent marketing icon earning more money in a year that a few dozen of their fans put together. The line has been crossed, the marketing man is now in the public domain, he has done so to gain financial reward, so he can no longer shout I am a private man, he has sold his privacy for ‘loads of money’ , never forgetting that was his decision alone,  he sold himself to the public, he reaps the world wind of a of a fickle public.

This problem has been Tigers alone, he made the decisions to use poor language, to throw clubs, no one else. He knows the different from right and wrong, he knew he was at very best compromising the Course Etiquette Rules and not showing any courtesy to his fellow golfers or those on the course. There was no quick retraction or apology for his outburst, no watering down the incident, yet they progressively increased in number and severity. Some may ask where are the officials, why was he not warned or even fined? Why was it allowed it to be televised, is this the way the Governing Bodies really want the Game of Golf portrayed worldwide?

Tiger saw that no one was going to cause him any problems so continued. I would say at this point that Tiger is not alone in poor course behaviour, but his club throwing is certainly the most dangerous I have seen and IMHO needs to be halted before some poor innocent individual is hurt. His off course activities has also affected the game, they show our No1. rated Guy as a piece of S@*t, a man that would cheat for any advantage, on this occasion it would appear the payment may have been sex. He cared not for himself, his wife or family, it was not just the hurt but potential of passing on some infection to his wife. Did he stop, no he continued and built up a menagerie worldwide. To many, Tigers only guilty of being caught, to others who seem to do more than just play golf, who care for the game feel that he has brought the Game into disrepute, certainly for his language and club throwing alone.

Whatever our positions are regards Tiger we still need a clean and exciting open game of golf to entertaining and attract new golfers and worldwide TV coverage, but for the right reasons ‘The Golf’. Thus allowing it to be watched by the family at large including grandchildren. If we want Golf to shine and be enjoyed to maximise its real potential, then we must stand up for our convictions. The game needs to send out a message that poor behaviour is not acceptable, not forgetting that we already have a code, its called ‘Course Etiquette’

If you are not interested, can’t be bothered, or the current behaviour levels are acceptable to you, then you have no need to comment or voice an opinion. Your regards for the game is already clear and defined.

If you feel behaviour on course is important and currently what we see is rather poor then you should voice your opinion as it’s the only way to gauge the feeling of this site. After all we are meant to live in a democracy where we value the right to our freedom of speech.

Do you fit into any of the above modes or do you have another which you are willing to share.



"Do you fit into any of the above modes or do you have another which you are willing to share."


I guess I fit into one of the above modes (?) ;)) as I very much value freedom of speech. But I suppose I have another (mode (?) ;)) I'm willing to share which is I think you are pathetic and an embarrassment to this website because of your incessant posts and threads (always on Tiger Woods) on here like this one.

How do you feel about that (mode (?)  ???) as far as "Freedom of Speech" goes? Are you OK with it and if not why not? ;)


  • Karma: +0/-0

Get over yourself. Tiger Woods is 10x the golfer Old Tom Morris was. No matter how much you troll and bash the guy online, Tiger Woods has done more for the game of Golf than your whole family tree.

The amount of hate that you have for the man is amazing, and it is equally pathetic the way you constantly post on internet boards to voice that hate.

Tiger may not win today, but here is one person who can't wait for him to win at St. Andrews, only to snub your self-improtant belt.

Melvyn Morrow


After the pages and pages and pages of Merion and some vile language coming from your threads in the past you have the nerve to make that statement - Good for you because I do agree with freedom of speech but language is a little bit rich at times for a family site..

To prove the point re Freedom of Speech is there not a Choir Boy you can chase after or have you just tried to have one but got away, making you feel this hostile




Thanks; I'm glad to know you and I agree on the subject of democracy and "Freedom of Speech."

By the way, is there any chance you might try writing something on here that's remotely literate? Have you actually tried reading what you write on here? If you have and you can understand it, you're definitely a better man than me.  ;)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 10:26:42 AM by TEPaul »

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
Melvyn used some interesting words...

The "circus" is not about his quality of's about

The pro Tiger fans seek vindication and feel Tiger has  a "rightful place" if he did not earn that "rightful place"....

And the anti Tiger fans are essential nothing more than pro Tiger fans simply wanting to see him do his job....

But then there's the "semi silent Golfing fans" who apparently do not fall into a pro or anti Tiger fan club....because they don't care if its Jim Furyk, Bubba Watson, or Brian Gay striking the ball...they simply enjoy...what???...the flight of the ball against the blue Georgia sky?

And these "semi silent golfing fans...sorry Golfing fans....don't like strutting cockerels and the mating dances of exotic birds because to like cockerels and dancing birds would mesmerize them and turn them into zombies!  I mean "the majority of the Golfing Public"!

Melvyn, and the "semi silent Golfing fans prefer fast action!  Assess the situation, take quick, decisive action, and move on to the next situation!! Now, thats entertainment!!!

Super Heros!...the  minds of little boys, Roads to Immortality!!  Flames burning bright!!! Flames extinguished!!!!!  Disappointed fans ("the majority of the Golfing Public")....and the Seven Words You Can Say on Television!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Tiger, you can prick your finger, but don't finger your prick! exhaust me....god damn it!  But then, I'm a zombie, too mesmerized by the cockerels and the mating birds to have noticed.



  • Karma: +0/-0
To prove the point re Freedom of Speech is there not a Choir Boy you can chase after or have you just tried to have one but got away, making you feel this hostile


To be honest I was really never that big of a Tiger fan. But knowing how much it pisses you off when he is on TV, let alone wins, has me rooting for him.

I'm hardly hostile. Only forced to mention your huge bias and complete lack of integrity.


Craig Sweet:

I loved your post. Apparently Melvyn Hunter Morrow was in a particularly "poetic mode" this morning!

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0

I was distracted while typing my reply (the kids were swearing up a blue storm in the other room about whether to attend church today or not) and I could not give Melvyn's post the literary review it deserved.


  • Karma: +0/-0
Craig Sweet:

I loved your post. Apparently Melvyn Hunter Morrow was in a particularly "poetic mode" this morning!

I would be poetic as well if I were locked in my mother's basement with dim lighting, a circa 1984 IBM smart machine, two pet hamsters ("Old Tom" and "Young Tom"), a large collection of unpolished silver trophies, a gutta perhca clogged toilet, and a dart board infused with a 2005 Open Champion Tiger Woods photo.  ;D ;)


Pat Craig:

Please don't do that to me. If I laugh this hard it tends to hurt my tummy-tum-tum.

"(the kids were swearing up a blue storm in the other room about whether to attend church today or not)"

That goes for you too, CraigS
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 10:45:52 AM by TEPaul »

Garland Bayley

  • Karma: +0/-0
"Do you fit into any of the above modes or do you have another which you are willing to share."


I guess I fit into one of the above modes (?) ;)) as I very much value freedom of speech. But I suppose I have another (mode (?) ;)) I'm willing to share which is I think you are pathetic and an embarrassment to this website because of your incessant posts and threads (always on Tiger Woods) on here like this one.

How do you feel about that (mode (?)  ???) as far as "Freedom of Speech" goes? Are you OK with it and if not why not? ;)

Well Tom, I guess you just self identified yourself as not being a constitutional lawyer. Try yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater and see how far your "freedom of speech" argument gets you. It is sorry that sometimes the people that shout the loudest about their freedoms are only using it as an excuse to abuse them.
"I enjoy a course where the challenges are contained WITHIN it, and recovery is part of the game  not a course where the challenge is to stay ON it." Jeff Warne



Nice points there. Do you think Melvyn Hunter Morrow would be in some legal trouble if he yelled "Tiger Woods is a Schmuck" in a crowded theater?

Terry Lavin

  • Karma: +0/-0
Ah, the Gospel according to St. Melvyn.  Regrettably it has only one chapter, one verse.  Or as the Herman's Hermits song goes, "second verse, same as the first".

We get it Melvyn.  We've heard you utter your sanctimony before.  You think he's a boor.  He throws clubs, swears and acts like a child on the golf course.  This, of course, was precursor to him being a serial philanderer.  Nice causation argument.

How about the next time you think to bore us with your repetitious pieties about Tiger golf and life, you just go to one of your old threads and type in "bump".  That is what most do around here if you want to talk about the same thing that you brought up before.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 11:35:30 AM by Terry Lavin »
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken

Garland Bayley

  • Karma: +0/-0
How about the next time you think to bore us with your repetitious pieties about Tiger golf and life, you just go to one of your old threads and type in "bump".  That is the etiquette around here if you want to talk about the same thing that you brought up before.

Geez Terry,

I guess you are going to have to teach etiquette a little more often. Some of our most prolific posters haven't gotten your message!

I guess Dr. Anthony Gray, DMD ADD has superior etiquette, as he constantly posts new and different topics. Way to go Anthony!

"I enjoy a course where the challenges are contained WITHIN it, and recovery is part of the game  not a course where the challenge is to stay ON it." Jeff Warne

Terry Lavin

  • Karma: +0/-0
How about the next time you think to bore us with your repetitious pieties about Tiger golf and life, you just go to one of your old threads and type in "bump".  That is the etiquette around here if you want to talk about the same thing that you brought up before.

Geez Terry,

I guess you are going to have to teach etiquette a little more often. Some of our most prolific posters haven't gotten your message!

I guess Dr. Anthony Gray, DMD ADD has superior etiquette, as he constantly posts new and different topics. Way to go Anthony!

The lonely life of a Melvyn defender.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
While reading, not the one that wrote Moby Dick...I could not help but picture a Plus Four wearing "cockerel" prancing around the greens at St Andrews...

By the way...I never really thought about this, but why are so many golf courses "over there"...."across the pond"....named for a saint?

Garland Bayley

  • Karma: +0/-0
While reading, not the one that wrote Moby Dick...I could not help but picture a Plus Four wearing "cockerel" prancing around the greens at St Andrews...

By the way...I never really thought about this, but why are so many golf courses "over there"...."across the pond"....named for a saint?

Because, over here on "this side of the pond" we worship the almighty buck more than they do.

Perhaps that resort on the Oregon coast should be renamed, Abandon Funds. ;)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 11:35:36 AM by Garland Bayley »
"I enjoy a course where the challenges are contained WITHIN it, and recovery is part of the game  not a course where the challenge is to stay ON it." Jeff Warne

Craig Sweet

  • Karma: +0/-0
I'm sorry...Moby Dick was written by Melville....I guess that post from Melvyn was so Moby Dick mesmerizing....that I lost myself.  

But hey, is Tiger Woods Melvyn's Great White Whale?  You know, the torment...obviously not the color...I mean Woods is black...or yellow...or something.

Melvyn Morrow

Gentlemen, as always I am totally humbled by the depth of knowledge you show on the subject of golf.  Plus the brilliance of your answers and the ability to take the debate forward. I am in awe of your consideration of others and in how you honour ones right to freedom of speech.

You are true tolerant men who show what can be obtained if ones mind on the subject. This Gentlemen is the stuff that Ran and Ben must be so proud to export worldwide on their site. The knowledge that you are The Guardians of free speech with the safety of our Freedoms securely in your hand, the other members of this site should be able to sleep well tonight.

Gentlemen be proud of yourselves, only one falls by the way side and cannot match the rest of you, sorry Garland, you just can’t match the rest, they are light years ahead of you in caring and protecting our rights and freedoms (well those they decide to bestow).

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Gods who through their kind benevolence and generosity allow us at times the freedom to voice an opinion. The names are issued in no order of importance just as they posted

The Members of The Fellowship of the Ring  read as follows

T E Paul   
P Craig
C Sweet
T Lavin

I am thankfully reminded, so should you be Garland of the saying “There for the Grace of God go I”.

Quite rightly I have been reminded that the use of words like SS and anal are not appropriate. These comments do in fact push me more into the camp and attitude of those I do not agree with and so believe that it right that I remove them from this post. To those whom I have offended I apologise.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 01:26:48 PM by Melvyn Hunter Morrow »

Emil Weber

  • Karma: +0/-0

Plus the brilliance of your answers and the ability to take the debate forward.

Melvyn, your ability to take the debate forward doesn't seem to big either. We've had the Tiger Woods discussion here in abundance. While I agree with your opinion, just take it the way it is, find a solution, but please stop complaining about every single new thing the modern game has to offer.

With your blind determination, the zeal with which you all act, I believe that you may even have been able to teach The SS a thing or two.

You seem to be a humorous man, but that SS thing is absolutely tasteless, fruitless and gets us nowhere.   

Joe Hancock

  • Karma: +0/-0
Could this thread have been anything but inflammatory? It was doomed from inception.

" What the hell is the point of architecture and excellence in design if a "clever" set up trumps it all?" Peter Pallotta, June 21, 2016

"People aren't picking a side of the fairway off a tee because of a randomly internally contoured green ."  jeffwarne, February 24, 2017

Terry Lavin

  • Karma: +0/-0

Gentlemen, as always I am totally humbled by the depth of knowledge you show on the subject of golf.  Plus the brilliance of your answers and the ability to take the debate forward. I am in awe of your consideration of others and in how you honour ones right to freedom of speech.

You are true tolerant men who show what can be obtained if ones mind on the subject. This Gentlemen is the stuff that Ran and Ben must be so proud to export worldwide on their site. The knowledge that you are The Guardians of free speech with the safety of our Freedoms securely in your hand, the other members of this site should be able to sleep well tonight.

With your blind determination, the zeal with which you all act, I believe that you may even have been able to teach The SS a thing or two.

Gentlemen be proud of yourselves, only one falls by the way side and cannot match the rest of you, sorry Garland, you just can’t match the rest, they are light years ahead of you in caring and protecting our rights and freedoms (well those they decide to bestow).

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Gods who through their kind benevolence and generosity allow us at times the freedom to voice an opinion. The names are issued in no order of importance just as they posted

The Members of The Fellowship of the Ring (anal) read as follows

T E Paul   
P Craig
C Sweet
T Lavin

I am thankfully reminded, so should you be Garland of the saying “There for the Grace of God go I”.


Woe is me passive/aggressive victimhood Hall of Famer.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken

Melvyn Morrow


The main point of my post was in this paragraph

Whatever our positions are regards Tiger we still need a clean and exciting open game of golf to entertaining and attract new golfers and worldwide TV coverage, but for the right reasons ‘The Golf’. Thus allowing it to be watched by the family at large including grandchildren. If we want Golf to shine and be enjoyed to maximise its real potential, then we must stand up for our convictions. The game needs to send out a message that poor behaviour is not acceptable, not forgetting that we already have a code, its called ‘Course Etiquette’

But it certainly seems that to want to clean the game up must indeed be inflammatory otherwise you would not have said the following.

Could this thread have been anything but inflammatory? It was doomed from inception.

I hope I am wrong and no one ever gets hurt from a flying club, but if I am right, I trust it will not please you either.


Tom Birkert

  • Karma: +0/-0

Can you justify this comment please?

"a man that would cheat for any advantage"

I consider that a ridiculous statement with no backing in reality whatsoever.

Furthermore, I find your comment about membership of the ring (anal) most disgusting and offensive. I would like to suggest that you go ahead and remove it. I also think it is utterly hypocritical and distasteful to mention that and The SS in a post during which you are attempting to moralise on what is allowed on the website and exported worldwide.


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