"Re: Payne's Comments Today !!!
« Reply #44 on: Yesterday at 10:38:47 AM » Quote
Yet Tiger's "indiscretions" have turned out to be so indiscreet that they are the 500-pound elephant in the room. No CEO or former Masters champ has ever been outed in such an embarrassing way. Payne almost had to comment, and the unspoken message to Tiger was, "We don't do loose-lipped pancake waitresses, porn stars, hookers and party hostesses who will go to the National Enquirer for $10,000."
Maybe he could have told Tiger that in private, but now he's on the record. I'm sure the case is now closed, unless Tiger chooses to re-open it."
Rich Shefchik:
You're right, if Chairman Payne was so concerned just about Tiger Woods' egregious personal indiscretions that the whole world has known about for months and its affect on our children and grandchildren and all that type of public "family value" baloney, he sure could have told that to Tiger Woods in private!
So why didn't he?
It's probably not that hard for the Chairman of ANGC to find Tiger on the property on Tuesday or Wednesday and have a private chat with him. For Christ Sakes, if ANGC's Chairman Payne felt that way why didn't he just call up Woods months ago and have that conversation with him in private then? It's not as if they don't know each other and it's not that he didn't realize Woods would return to The Masters.
Sometimes I think all these people need to hire themselves some sensible public relations outfit (if one actually exists today) who might teach them the microphone is not always the best way to deliver a message to the person in question.
Or they could all just find themselves a good old fashioned MOTHER imbued with a traditional sense of manners and discretion who could explain to them all the right and wrong thing to do in a medium sized sentence.