Do you support the Crump theory ? or
Do you support the Steineger theory ? or
Do you support the "duality", the Crump and Steineger theories ?"
What I have done is raise some avenues of inquiry regarding an investigation of the origins of an interesting and famous golf architecture feature, the exact origins of which have never been completely determined as far as I know or as far as I know anyone knows; and I think I've probably had a whole lot more interreaction and collaboration with some people from that club who would be the ones in a position to know than you ever have.
The story that the DA first began to evolve as a depression has been around that club for years and I find it interesting that long-time super Eb Steineger confirmed that story to Tim Nugent's father.
As for the little round red circle that shows up on the "blue/red line" topo map in the same area that the DA would be built in is another piece of information which leads to an important avenue of inquiry----eg Crump himself.
That's the way these kinds of historic golf architecture investigations and analyses are done or best done. But I wouldn't expect you to embrace that or even understand it because it's pretty obvious all you ever do on here and all you are interested in doing is just verbally arguing with everyone about everything. I guess you feel that makes you appear smart or something on here.

I think there is a good place for "Devil's Advocacy" and counterpointing in any intelligent investigation and analysis but not if that is all one ever does as is the case with you on GOLFCLUBATLAS.com.
It would also probably help if you actually went out and did some of your own research and analysis with this original material rather than arguing with everyone else's who have done it.
You're something like your "Cousin Vinnie" who, as his family proudly said about him----"Just loves to argue, actually just lives to argue."