My experience with Seminole's greens is modest, since it only began when I started playing there in the 50's.
Early photos seem to reinforce my views.
However, before we begin any comparitive analysis, what exactly is Pete' theory on Seminole's greens, from when Ross first crafted them to current day ?
Perhaps a chronological record of Pete's theory regarding when, how and who changed the greens would be helpful, since, to date, you haven't put forth and elucidated Pete's complete theory
Kye Goalby,
I've always enjoyed looking at comparison photos and time lapse photos in ten year increments.
The one failing they seem to have is that if they're not taken from the exact same angle at the exact same elevation, the comparison becomes tainted.
In most of the photos on Dunlops website, the elevations seem different, thereby skewing the comparison.