Don M is spot-on. The problem with a discussion of this with GCA posters is that a majority of the golfing public (in the States) ASSOCIATE lush, green turf as superior - plain and simple. Where do you think "the grass is always greener on the otherside of the fence"
came from??? This is ingrained into the public psyche. When low-gro Blues came out, I thought "great - now we can get the best of both worlds" but the perception was "Bent=quality, Bluegrass=low budget".
Supers have to produce what is "Perceived" to be quallity or the opportunity will fall to the next guy. When it comes down to being idealistic and feeding your family, guess what will win every time?
Ironically, it seems that the guys that want lush are also the same ones who's game could benefit from lean. But, although lean will add 20 yds to their drive, it also required one to hit down rather than sweep. I'm sure most golf purests already hit down, so firm, tight lies are considered ideal. But a large majority out there are sweepers and like to "get under the ball". If the roughs are thin, the ball settles down to the soil. So they want lush 2.5" rough - so what if they can't find there ball, it stops quickly upon entering, and they break their wrists trying to get out. Of course, lush rough is actually more of a hinderence to better players due to fliers.
I worked on a course where a new super lowered the fairway height (Zoysia) from 1.5" to 3/4". At first there as a lot of bitching by the old guard but eventually they got used to it and the fact that the ball rolled further. Like Pete said, just make sure the greens receive a shot (and the tees are soft enough to get the peg in without a hammer).