First, I should qualify my statement that I mow daily. That is an absolute maximum, in the high season, like May/June. We are closed Mondays, so it's never more than 6 times per week, and more often than not it's alternated with rolling from April-Oct or dew brushing Nov-Mar.
Back to PGR's. I'll use tees as an example. We have 5 acres of tee area (36 holes, RT Jones Sr.). To mow takes 2 men an 8 hour day. Before PGR's I was doing it 3 times per week. The labor, with all taxes and social charges here in France costs $20 per hour.
So the cost of mowing tees is 2 X 8 X 20 or $320 each time, 12 times per month, $3840, plus fuel and wear and tear on the machines.
Primo is applied in two applications per month, total cost of chemical is about $400, plus one guy on the sprayer knocks out all the tees in 4 hours, so the cost of treatment is around $500/month with fuel.
With Primo, I can reduce the mowing to 2 times/wk., saving 4 mowings per month, or $1280, for a saving of $720/month, plus less fuel, spare parts, inconvenience to golfers, and extended equipment life.
Further, I don't believe Primo interferes with turf recovery from divots, ball marks, traffic, or aerations. It inhibits cell elongation, not cell division. The turf is stil growing, only less so vertically and more horizontally. Under Primo, the turf increases growth laterally, where it is most useful, in my observations, that is.