I heard today that China has surpassed the U.S. as the world's largest buyer of trucks and automobiles. What "re-tooling" are you talking about and how can it be accomplished in such a punitive business environment as MI? Other than some wonderful universities (okay, I include MSU, but am talking mostly about UoM) what advantages does the state have? We looked at a very nice golf course up there available at a significant reduction from replacement cost and could not come close to making the numbers work.
I do hope that things can be turned around. It seems that all those people leaving the high-tax, high-cost, high-unemployment states and coming to Texas are bringing their destructive attitudes and political preferences with them. If they continue to migrate we are not going to be much different. The horror!
Pity about Crystal Downs.
Big Pharma is being crucified by the populist politicians and the mainstream press for its "obscene profits". It is my understanding that the industry's profit margins are in the 2% to 3% range and the ROI is below the average of all other businesses.
When I was brokering commercial real estate, investors were looking for 8%-12% cap rates, with 20%+ ROIs (through better management and positive leverage). Riskier investments required higher returns.
With "profit" being a bad word today, who in their right mind would invest in anything? It seems that the primary motive would be the enjoyment of owning and operating a golf course, the lifestyle if you will, and eventually turning it over to your heirs (I am aware of the problem with the death tax). But the way you describe it- which is consistent with what I've heard from a number of GMs I've talked to in private over the last couple of years- it doesn't sound like much fun: tight money, long hours, and customers who are impossible to please. I guess that I am beginning to see why some people are attracted to untraceable gold.