As I'm sure even you recognize, at this point, very few people on this website really see the efficacy of trying to have an intelligent discussion with you on this website as it's virtually impossible. You've proven THAT over and over and over again on just about every thread you've ever participated in. The fact is there is practically noone on this website who you don't argue with simply for argument's sake.
Did you not read Bradley's last post? He acknowledges that CBM was intentionally building some flashed sand bunkers."
I did read Bradley's last post, and frankly I speak to Brad on the phone enough, and the fact is I know exactly where he's coming from on this issue and the additional fact is Bradley does not know NGLA and its architectural history as well as I do and frankly neither do you. The fact REALLY IS that there was and still is a lot of different bunker styles and looks and types at NGLA. Apparently you may not be aware of that and how could you be if you've only seen the place one time? I've known it for about fifty years, Moriarty. So has Pat. That's a bit different than you no matter how you or anyone else wants to slice it!
"The early bunker look wasn't just a temporary state as a result of his supposed inexperience or his supposed unfamiliarity with the conditions."
I never said that early bunker look was the result of his supposed inexperience! It seems both you and MacWood are telling Bradley Anderson and me that we are saying that but we aren't. Once again, THAT is not what either of us said even if it IS what you and MacWood keep claiming WE said!
"Otherwise, by 1926 the bunkers would no longer have had flashed faces."
You just showed him TWO bunkers you claim are 1926 and you are CLAIMING they are the bunker look and type and style throughout NGLA back then. I'm telling you that is not the case and that back then there were a lot of different types and styles and looks with the bunkering of NGLA (and I just cited it all above) and there STILL ARE.
"As for your speculation about Merion or even Flynn originating the flash face bunker look, you should look again at the NGLA photos."
I realize that and I said it above and perhaps you should review again what I said about that!
"A number of bunkers had flashed faces, and not just the huge ones like the Sahara."
They did back then and essentially some of them pretty much still do but others that I mentioned don't for the practical reasons I gave and Brad Anderson mentioned the agronomic reasons for. You seem to be suggesting Macdonald didn't want any of that (grassed down faces) at NGLA and I am telling you now and I will again if you keep pressing the point that I disagree with you and I think (no, I know) you are wrong about that.
"For example, here again is a photo of the Cape green from 1914, with a grass faced bunker in the immediate foreground, a flash faced bunker right behind it, and two bunkers where the sand is flashed up close to the top bunker line on the right."
I realize that and I don't deny those bunkers on that Cape hole looked like that initially but that hole was redesigned early on and by Macdonald and didn't look like that in his tenure. Actually that hole under Macdonald (and as restored recently) actually had and has a "beach" bunker; just another of the many different types of bunkers at NGLA both back then and now.
Perhaps what you should do next is go there numerous times as some of us have who understand that golf course better than you do. I do understand how a golf course like that one with that kind of architecture (in my top favorite few in the world) just totally blows away some observer like you who's only seen it one time. That's understandable but I think you can also understand it gets a bit grating for someone like you who's only seen it once (when some of us have been around it for perhaps half a century) tries to tell us that YOU are therefore the expert on Macdonald or NGLA or its bunkers and their history and evolution!
Maybe you think you can understand NGLA and its architecture both back then and today by simply analyzing and arguing old text, but I sure don't! There is a whole lot more to understanding architecture and the history of the architecture of a great course like that one than the way you've gone about it on here.
What did Macdonald, the man you seem to so idolize say himself, Moriarty? "To truly understand a golf course you have to play it in every kind of wind, weather..........."
Why do you think you should be the exception?