Have you ever watched a football game and noticed that some players wear what appears to be a foam or rubber neck collar around the back of their pads ? A collar to protect the player.
Well, I noticed the same feature on many of the greens at Fishers Island.
The back half or back third of many putting surfaces were raised, collar like, to protect the golfer's ball from going over the green.
In many cases this "collar" redirected the ball toward the center of the green.
This seemed to indicate, especially on a windy site, that the architect intended play to be along the ground, or as a defense mechanism to perhaps help counter the effects of the wind.
How many courses and how many greens have these semi-circular collars at the edge of the back half of the putting surface ?
And, with increased green speeds, are they an asset to the golfer that has gone mostly overlooked as the game became more aerial ?