Cherokee CC in Madison, WI has scorecards for 10 different yardages. They have 4 sets of tees, and each scorecard mixes them together to get the desired yardage. They do also offer two additional sets of tees for juniors located in the fairways.
I really liked the idea, but I don't think they did it right. I played the 6900 card (all the way back was 7200). All of the par 5's were off the back (570-600), all the par 4's were off the first in (350-420), and you played one par 3 from each set (150, 180, 200, 220). I think the par 3's were done right, but the 4's and 5's should have been mixed some. Why not have a couple of shorter par 5's and put some of the par 4's back (they have a few in the 440-480 range). I found that I had short irons into all the par 4's and had to hit driver, 3 wd, wedge to all the par 5's.
I think it is a good way to mix it up for the membership. It is easy enough to do on your own, but I don't think too many people think of it and just play the same tees everytime. At my home course I usually play the two back sets, but play them all on occasion. I have a great deal of difficulty getting most poeople to move from their normal tee (6700). Very few can handle the 7400, but most do not want to play the 6200 as they feel it is too short. I have found that playing a few rounds a year from the 5300 set is a lot of fun. It really shows any weakness in your short game.