What I feel has got me into trouble on this site.
As for Par and Birdies, from now on any score is to be ignored when we watch the Masters and The Open. They have it all wrong and we should go with the feel. So do you want me to talk about how I feel re carts, distance aids, cart ball, uncaring designers who are only in it for the money and nothing else. Feel is sitting on your backside feeling numb because you are too lazy to walk, your brain is numb because it is on standby mode because you use distance aids. Why stop, come on, bring out that feeling to all aspects of golf, you have already made the start, I have added a few so come on its your turn to put your money or should I say feeling where your mouth is, say it as it is.
The club looks at the bigger picture, that which concerns them, they decide on that basis. Are you all knowing and always right, I am not and many here are not, but we play the game, we enjoy the courtesy these clubs extend to visitors, allowing us to play their courses. I will honour their wishes while a guest. They set the par then thats fine with me.
PS Jim Meaningless, perhaps not to all the club members only to some visitors - do you have the full picture of the club and the quality of its members? But then cart balling is meaningless to me, but does that stop anyone?