Make room for me Richard and Kalen, I'll be joining you in left field.
What was it that Dave Hill said of Hazeltine? "How did you find the course?" he was asked. "I'm still looking for it," he shot back.
"Somebody ruined a good farm," he added. "A monkey is as good as a man out there.
"The man who designed this course had the blueprints upside down. All the greens slant away from you."
I'm sorry , Jim, but no one is saying that a "piece of crap" (your words) would work just as well for a major. Great architecture means very little if the set up stifles it. Some of these courses reputations, such as Torrey, AAC, Hazeltine and Medinah (sorry Ryan), have been made because majors have been played on them, not because the greatness of the design demanded that the USGA or PGA hold their tournaments there.