Why am I reminded of the Seven Plagues of Egypt?
Perhaps the Seven Plagues of Golf may be appropriate
1) Carts
2) Cart tracks
3) Distance aids
4) Island Greens
5) Cart Balling
6) Heli-Golf
One good thing about high fuel prices will be to limit Heli-Golf for the rich only, which should get up the noses of many here.
As for Heli-Golf, pray tell me where is the skill in all that? It looks more like hitting the hell out of the ball and hopes the weather, wind and whatever else out of the control of the poor rich idiot playing gets the ball to the target. I would venture one more point that gravity plays a greater part in the shot than anywhere else that with the wind circulating gives the player very little control over his shot.
I do see one advantage, some of the players may meet their maker sooner than others, just one slip or mechanical failure. One final thought, not much use shouting ‘Fore’ so more accidents from falling object should also be considered. There is a chance that Heli-Golf could die out before too long and not just from the high cost of fuel.