I just spent the last four hours or so reading the two threads. When you take a week or two off here to do some work, you can miss a lot...
They were extremely interesting discussions, between the usual unnecessary potshots.
An observation and a question: In all the discussion of who did what at WBYC, the possible contributions of Tom Vardon are more or less dismissed as unimportant or irrelevant, but the man could design a little. I've played three of his courses: The University of Minnesota Bolstad Course (1929), which is built on terrain not that dissimilar to WBYC, and has some outstanding holes, though not the budget to maintain them as optimally as one might wish; Eau Claire Country Club, which Dan Kelly and I played at John Conley's suggestion, and thoroughly enjoyed as a wooded, hilly classic-era gem; and my home course, Stillwater Country Club (1924), which definitely demands some deeper study. I'll try to do a "My Home Course" one of these days. But I've seen enough of Vardon's work to believe he might have had significant input into WBYC's design.
The question: Where does the information come from that Tom Bendelow designed Minneapolis Golf Club, and has the club membership been informed?