You brought up the frilly edged bunker on 12. That bunker is completely natural. So natural in fact that no sand was added, it has always been there. Also, I have never in my life hit out of sand so wonderful.
I believe those are the only two bunkers on the course. The patches of sand you see in various photos are rough spots. The whole golf course sits on a lot of sand and not all of it is covered by grass. I believe it adds to the charm of golfing in such a remote place.
The greens were not fast, maybe 4 or 5. However, they are very undulating and have slopes that we are not used to. If you found yourself with a downhill downwind putt, aggression would not be the order of the day. I ran a few 8-10 ft by. Unfortunately I forgot to pack the persimmon. A regret I will have to live with until I get back there.
There was some litigation with local crofters. I believe that part of the settlement reached was that sheep are allowed to graze in the winter.
You mentioned the assistance of the R&A. They made a 5000 GBP donation. When they came out, they asked what was done with their donation. The entire 12th hole was made from their money. I was told that basically it's a natural hole and a lot of grass was cut to shape the lines of play. It's not a perfect hole, but a very good one. With a little work, it can become fantastic, world class. They have gotten tremendous value for their limited resources.
The course is so natural, the design team came up with the layout in one evening (it may have taken place in the pub).
The bunker on 8 is artificial. Keep in mind that the hole is only 249 yds. I did not think from the fairway that the bunker looked out of place. Perhaps it would be better if it was not there but I don't know. There are no fairway bunkers on 10. Those are sand spots. That is an economic problem, not architectural. Also, I personally would not be opposed to eliminating the natural bunker on 12 because it's a forced carry that I hate to see on a course like this.