Is my information safe on this web site?
Initially I considered the prank amusing. After all, had I not posted a new topic on Tiger Wood behaviour on the course at The Open?
Then I realised that my e-mail information with my name has been passed on to a third party without contacting me or advising me.
It was, I suppose meant to be a joke. Who ever it was has signed me up to Tigers However, what this person had not known was that I have been in contact with the site discussing the possibility of Tiger being involved with a new bronze statue of Old Tom that I am trying to arrange. They contacted me and advise me of the following ”Your nickname did not meet our security criteria”. Of course, it would not as I already had one.
Many may well be wondering what’s the problem. It’s that the possibility that the information gleaned from this site appears to have been used. I of course, cannot prove who did it, however, I don’t find that funny at all. My e-mail details are there to help fellow
Members with information, be it historical or planning a visit to GB&I. I have been contacted by many numbering well over the 100 mark and also sent out many e-mails with information to help fellow Members understand St Andrews & Fife by enclosing street and golf maps of these areas. I have always been willing to put myself out to help others. Therefore, you will please excuse me if I do not see the funny side of this prank. I have held back waiting for a note or e-mail advising me of what has been done. However, none has arrived.
My wife and I have decided it would be wise not to call in to the BUDA proceedings this year.
You decide if I am making much out of nothing or do I have a right to be concerned.