I quote
No offense, Melvyn, but how many Open championships did he win?
Sorry, Bill I thought I had explained the reasons for my choice.
To be the greatest does not necessary mean you have to win the most championships. In fact, I do not believe you have to win.
The problem in our modern world is that we judge success by winning. We accept, no lets be honest, we allow behaviour that we would not tolerate in our own children from our sportsmen and women. Why, because winning is success and money rules with perhaps the National flag thrown in to spice up marketing. Don’t agree, just look at the replies on Tigers appalling behaviour thread.
My nomination of my father, I believe is totally justified in my eyes because of his teaching and how he introduced the qualities of golf including playing on the Links. He also taught me the difference between right and wrong and how to behave in public. Had I behaved in a similar manner to Tiger he would be ashamed of me, and quite rightly so.
Bill its no longer sport as we know it, its win, win, win followed my the moneymen and women, there is very little understanding of the honour of playing for your country, family and self. It is only self, self, self and win at any cost in sports today. Integrity, honour, honesty, good old fashion sportsmanship has been exchanged for money and un-sportsmanlike conduct. The anything goes rule mentality, including the hey, but don’t worry he is one of ours or what am I making out of his win attitude.
I am actually shocked that many see no problem with Tigers temper tantrum last Thursday - he is not alone, many of our sportsmen and women are worse, but it does not make him right . It speaks volumes for our modern society and makes me pleased that I am in the autumn of my years.
Behaviour like that shames us all, but the sad thing for me is that it is acceptable to many on Well it is not for me nor for my late father, hence why I nomination him. He like many others both dead and alive is why we have the Spirit of the Game, but never fear those who support or turn a blind eye to Tiger’s behaviour are doing their share to slowly erode the Games Spirit.
No, Bill my father never won an Open, but for me he is a Champion among Men. He also died on a golf course.