$50k/acre (approx 400 acres) and only 8 miles from Pebble. I'm surprised it didn't attract a HNW individual. Blackstone must have been bleeding money on hotel operations to sell at that price. I assume subdividing and building homes isn't an option so either keep as hotel or one heck of a private ranch.
There is land for hotel additions and a Spa but I believe the residential lots have been sold out for some time.
The opposition to this property from day one was intense and at least one County Supervisor was defenstrated for accepting goodies from the developers. The whole project hung in the balance until a local hydrologist opined that the water for the ranch did not come from the Carmel River Aquifer, although the Carmel River ran through the property; a peculiar decision.
Here on the Peninsula, 'Whisky is for drinking, water is for fighting over.'