I predict there will a rush (at least here) to proclaim OM as the hands-down best course at the Bandon resort, both because of the newness factor (think of the backlash against BD after PD and then BT were built) and because of what Tom mentioned--that some people are enamored with the template holes.
I'm not sure I've ever played a true Redan (does PD #17 count?) or a Biarritz, but I don't understand why people get so excited about these holes. The Biarritz, in particular, seems rather goofy and reproducing that hole on course after course doesn't seem very clever at all, to me. I am, however, looking forward to playing some NGLA-type holes in the Bandon setting and on that great turf.
Interesting thought provoking post, Tim.
I agree with much of what you said, but I wonder about the template hole thing.
Doncha think a lot of this is lip service, though??? We've got drone golfers out there, clones, if you will, who think "Wow, these template holes represent the greatest thing since sliced bread!" when in reality the CBMac/Raynor template thing is basically "just another style of design."
I say big effing deal, it's just another style. It does so happen to be the case it's a type of golf course architecture few of us have played much, since most MacRaynor courses are private shrines.
But big deal....
Even then, Tom et al has mentioned numerous times that the Old Mac course is an "homage" to those template holes, not a strict duplication.
In that regard, numerous courses........no, make that COUNTLESS courses have golf holes based on the road hole, redan, sahara, etc....they just didn't call them such.
At the end of the day Old Macdonald will be a phenomenal golf course for the same reason any course is. Stunning land, gorgeous vistas, good conditioning and thought provoking, strategic golf holes. It will be fun!