Whatever, Rob, you are plenty high and mighty yourself considering you have a website dedicated to reviewing and ranking golf courses.
In the words of Big Lebowski, "that like just yer opinion, man"
I simply stated that sometimes folks go a little over the top in their praise of a course for the very reason that it's brand new.
Pacific Dunes is the 2nd most highly respected course built in the last 50 or so years, in the opinion of many many many golfers, publications and experts, not just myself.
To boast that Old Mac, a course that isn't even finished, is better, seems a might bit premature don't ya think???
Because if it is "better" than that means it is going to be in the class of Pine Valley, etc.....that's not being a smart ass, that's the reality of the situation.
I don't think saying as much is being high and mighty, I think it's being sensible. For the first couple of years I suspect more people will want to play Old Mac than Pacicifc, because it's the new dopenss.
But to surmise which they'll prefer after that.......well, I still think it's a subject nobody can intelligibly discuss right now.
But go suck down some more Kool aid if you want....