"I heard a rumor that Hammy was appointed to a high post at Treasury or Commerce for the Obama Administration and figured he wouldn't have time to continue posting regularly here so he charitably turned in his resignation to Ran."
Yeah, right, Cirba, you and your damned rumors. You don't know a blind green surface from a teebox you dickhead so how could you really know where Hammy is or what's happening to him?
Hamiltion B. Hearst at a high post in Obama's Commerce Dept? That's nutso. Hammy is the most right leaning ultra conservative Republican elistist one can find in America these days.
He's in Obama's Commerce Dept alright but they've got him down in the deepest part of the basement in the Commerce Dept where they are subjecting Hammy to the Obama form of non-torture waterboarding. They have him on one of those revolving wheel excercise things that Cristy Brinkley sells on TV where you can either spin around like a hampster on a mission or just hang upside down. The Obama non-torture form of water boarding on one of those things consists of pouring martinis (and the occasional olive) down Hammy's nostrils until his eyes float.
And they won't stop this with Hammy until he screams:
"I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE and I'm going SHOW THEM THE MONEY or have ONLY THEM over to Garden City Golf Club EVERY WEEK."