I am not sure if you were addressing the post that so impressed George Pazin to me, but regardless, I think it is mostly nonsense. You pick the best courses of the three architects to make your argument. I've only played three of Doak's courses, but if Stone Eagle was the only I've seen, I wouldn't think nearly as high of his ability as I do. Ditto for C & C if East Hampton or Barton Creek were the only courses that were seen. As to your Ross example, do you know the history of #2? What we see today is a work in progress over many decades involving numerous archies. Like Dye at Crooked Stick, reportedly Ross couldn't keep his hands off #2. And would you want to compare Ross' entire portfolio to Fazio's? I've recently played Dunedin, a course that is fun and inexpensive to play, but one that couldn't scratch the worst course I've played in Fazio's portfolio.
As to your comparison to the fine arts masters, do you think they had no duds? Do you think that perhaps their culls may not have survived? Doak has already lost two or three courses. Maybe over time Fazio's lesser work will be taken over by some other use. Maybe a Richard Choi in 2300 will say that if one played Escondido but once he would know that Fazio was a genius.
My main point to you was that it is dangerous to form strong opinions based on a minimal examination of the facts. And trying to make associations or analogies to other areas, particularly when done in such an orange to apples manner, further compounds the error. Fortunately, our opinions don't count for much so there is little harm done.
On another matter, I could use a newer version of Windows. My 2002 XP is not very good, to be kind. I keep getting error messages when a site's connection is lost, often taking five or more minutes to X out. Any deals for current MSFT shareholders and Windows users? Thank God I didn't form my opinion of Gates and Ballmer based on the performance of a single product- Windows XP!

David K,
I understand that Gil Hanse has a course very similar to RC in Long Island. Should I skip it and base my opinion solely on his work in Moorpark and Ojai?
Florida is an extremely hard state to make a strong statement, particularly along the coast. I think Pine Barrens is rather unique course, and I thought that Camp Creek was very good. Other than how a site and climate affects the design, I don't expect the variety in an architect's portfolio as much as on the individual courses (18 holes presenting different challenges, shots, levels of difficulty). For a variety of course styles we have the work of different architects, some which do a much better job than others in differentiating themselves.