Bill Shamleffer:
What exactly is the definition of an "unofficial" Rule?
I would not have anything added to the Rules of Golf per this matter, however, if I was on a tournament committee, I would be in favor of having a policy that we do not accept phone calls per any possible rules infractions from individuals not in any official capacity with that specific event.
1. I explained in my 2nd post that I have some concerns about the possible motivations behind why this call is being made and the timing of the call being made. Doe mw this is not an issue per all of those participating in the event (either as competitors or officials), as they all have an ethical obligation of fairness in administering the rules.
2. The inevitiable delay is unfair. All possible rules infractions seen in person can immediately be brought to the attention of the player or a tournament official, and likely the matter can be properly reviewed before the scorecard is reviewed. However, a rule infraction seen on TV, may first be on tape (from either minutes to hours before), second it will take some time for the TV viewer to locate the telephone # of the tournament and then get through on that # to the right parties. By the time all of this occurs the scorecard may already be signed, and the only possible remedy to the infraction (if one occured) may be DQ.
3. We always hear how seeing Augusta for the first time in person, people are always amazed how different the course looks from how it looked on TV. Even though they have heard about the drastic elevations and green countours, they are still always amazed at what they miss from the TV broadcast. Well then how can we depend on the accuracy of the TV viewer in judging if a rules infraction occurred.
I have no issue with TV tape being used to review matters seen on the grounds by tournament officials, or even mentioned by the player some time later during that round or event. My only issue is with allowing TV viewers to call in to the tournement about a possible rules infraction.
To add to my prior comments per a code of ethics in this area; remember, all competitors and officials are OBLIGATED to NOT ignore any rules infraction they are aware of. The TV viewer does NOT have this obligtion. Rather the TV viewer decides if they want to call in about a possible rules infraction. Since there is NO obligation to report, unfairness results in accepting calls from the TV viewers who do decide to call in possible rules infractions.