It would be a mistake to lenghten the hole
It's a better hole if they keep it short because players try to control the ball so much that they make mistakes...
I mean you see players hit knock down cut 8-iron, chip fade 7 iron, and all sort of shot they wouldn't normally used from 145 yards.
Normally 145 yards is a full 9-iron or a full wedge for some and nobody seens to go at it with their normal full swing...
they don't make an aggressive swing and pull if left, block it right, ballooned in up in the air...
same thing happens at the 17th at Sawgrass
If you add lenght to the hole, players won't expect as much, won't try too hard, hit a full 8 or 7 iron and hope... they would have less options, the decision would be more simple, less doubt in their head = aggressive swings = better shots...
The hole plays in the players head more than anything