Our area is said to mimic national usage rates, which is 69 gallons per capita household.
Our community water source just changed from deep well (which was found to exceed radium and floride EPA limits) to a very expensive water from Lake Michigan treatment plant, that brings the water in two big underground conduits of 45 miles length to service a consortium of about 60K population. And existing Lake Michigan intake that rins a line about 30 miles was not doubled up due to a huge political football.
They are always putting out water conservation literature.
Yes, our course could reduce by about 10-20% IMHO. The course has a deep high cap well. In fact, one of the reasons it is said why the community high cap deep wells showed high levels of stuff beyond standards is that the underground aquifer was studied and was found to be so tapped that it was being exhausted. That was another reason we had to go to Lake water. Sort of the dregs were being pumped up as the wells were drawn down. But, lake water communities have had their share of problems like cloriform contamination over the past years.
Paspulum Grass solves some problems in the right climate, obviously, IMO.
I don't know your angle Mr. Rogers, but who can disagree that water resources and conservation isn't vital? I still can't get over the idea that they sell water for $1.50 in a 16 oz bottle at gas stations.