I was on a plane with family back from vacation in San Fran. It was a wide body, and we had 4 of the 5 middle seats. I was second from the right aisle and my kids were to the left of me in the middle rows of the dual aisle plane. As I got seated, a gentleman right out of a B movie, full dress traditional Sikh man with a jewel holding his turban together in front, who was quite tall and stately, a finely trimed grey gotee beard, sat next to me. He was clearly quite elderly but very fit. Before he sits down, he looks down at me from the aisle and says, "I must warn you that I have problems with your nation". I look up at him rather stunned and confused, and then as my kids are snickering, say politely, "I really can't say as I know much about your nation". By now my teen kids are just cutting up poking each other. And, in my usual late arrival, finally get it... "I have problems with urination"...