Not sure if that is plausible or not, but I am guessing that 3 and 4 could be roughly original. #4 is only 100 yards long. Both greens have been changed however in the Prichard renovation.
As for holes whose routing was kept: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from the tee, but the green was moved 60-70 yards to the left creating a dogleg, old 8 became current #7, old 9 became current #8, old 10 became current #9, old 11 became current #10, 13, 14, 15 from the tee, but it now plays to a green 75 yards beyond and left of the old one, and 18.
The renovation omitted the old 6th green, the old 7th (now a chipping green) the old 12th, the old 16th and old 17th (hole still there b/t 6th fairway, 16th tee, and 17th green, but unmowed).
There is an interesting story as well, that I can't completely remember, about the other 9 designed by Ralph Barton (Dartmouth prof. turned Raynor/Banks groupie and associate). Several of these holes exist as today's "practice holes" across Lyme Road. The current 16th and 17th of HCC are routed over land used by Barton's nine through the woods. Also still in existence is a great push-up green in the backyard of the house across Lyme Rd. from the gully between the current 16th green and 17th tee. I think they stopped using these holes for safety reasons as the road became busier, but members and students still cross the street all the time to use the "practice holes" and driving range.