I think this is indeed a good question as it seems a bit of a paradox wrapped around an enigma. Having been a student of for just over 2 years now, my take away is this.
1) On naturally sandy courses where the entire site is sand based, it doesn't bother me one bit to see bunkers-a-plenty, whether in play or not...especially when they are natural looking, even if they were built after the fact. Remember naturalism says, it only has to look natural not actually be natural. Courses that come to mind like this are CPC, Sand Hills, Pacific Dunes, Ballyneal, etc.
2) On sites that are obviously not sandy/duneish, then overbunkering with the big hairy blowouts and bunkers everywhere can indeed look way overdone and out of place. And while I'm not near as anti-bunker as Sean in these situations, I think it good to show a bit of restraint.
Just my $.02