hey guys, there's a difference between being tripped over and being kicked. Jay thought he was playing with Tony at 9:28. He thought he had confirmed when he left a v-mail. Is it possible it got lost? That's being tripped over. But in this unhealthy atmosphere of hate, where Jay is being publicly kicked for sport, Jay may have...innocently, of course..been paid asymetrically when Tony didn't mention it privately instead. In retrospect, I don't think the tenor of the original post should have been that harsh without checking with Jay first to find out WTF, especially since he and tony talked afterward, and tony gave Jay no inkling anything was amiss.
I dunno, if I was a ref, I'd no call this one. Players get tangled up sometimes, and this seems like something "I'm sorry" can fix easily. Nobody's hurt, nobody died, nobody lost a dollar or even a penny, nobody's girl is upset with them, and nobody's boss is pissed. I bet Jay would even offer to make it up to Tony somehow if Tony called him.
How bout a happy ending for once, guys? Kiss and make up?
Not for nothing but people's personal lives are not entertainment for the board.