Dick, why do you only want to fight greed and dishonesty at the highest levels? What about the lowest levels? I assume you are willing to turn a blind eye to that. Is this the "new ethic" of which you preach? Dick, it's not new. It's called class warfare.
I had said we need a 'new ethic' in this country. I didn't apply it to just what you call the 'highest levels'. You have spun another half truth and ascribed it to your opponent very lawyerlylike. Ethics apply to you and me. A national ethic would be just that, a new collective set of values (or maybe an old fashion set of values) Just not a greed driven power monger set of values whereby what we have been handed down is what we will have to settle for.
The class warfare term is always hauled out in debatant style like you just did by the upper classes it seems to me, and I theorize that they really don't even understand what it actually means, rather than an abstract notion and accusation to use in sterile debates. When the lower classes and masses haul out such notions, it is called 'revolution' and violence is not too far behind.
BTW DAve, how close do you think we are to major civil disorder, upheaval and real class warfare?. If Obama and his admin fail, where do you think the growing numbers of victimized folks will turn for the next promised remedy; Sarah Palin - Rush Limbaugh? No apologies from me for inferring she is a light weight, Joe and Steve. Those other cheeleaders had a body of experience, a bit beyond Sarah's level. Dwight only commanded the greatest army ever assembled. Even Ronnie Reagan had been associated with many circles of intelligent people for many years and a bit wider than Wasilla's library crowd before he was governor or ran for Pres.
Dave, I can remember serious civil disorder and was for much of it on the front lines in the streets manning the so-called 'thin blue line'. I actually felt saw and even tasted what violent disorder is like (on the scene of Sterling Hall - the second most terroristic act of domestic terrorism in this country's modern history), and I saw plenty more disorganized violence in the streets. And, that was basically over a little old draft with youth activists who saw their personal exposure to be hauled into what they perceived as an unjust war, and ancillary social upheaval of civil rights, etc., as the catalyst then. It wasn't about money and wealth per se, it was along a different class line in the 60s.
Now, we are seeing a whole class of people (but not as you think of just "lower" classes i.e. poor people or students) but classes across a wide spectrum of socio-economic strata, victims of financial crimes perpetrated upon them by 'another class' of people alright. But the class warfare you fear, if god forbid it happens, won't be poor folk VS rich folk. It will be disenfrancised people of all persuations that lost their country and security to an oligarchy and conspiracy of power, only the fuel of which is concentrated corporate executive wealth buying legislative enabling power. There are growning numbers of victims like Mr Madoff has now put on the street, that come from the wealthy and well educated, who are waking up and seeing a totally fetid system has robbed them too. People are begining to see that they have been taken to the cleaners by unregulated and unethical classes. And, I don't think they are in a mood for apologists, actually. Many poor folk, and recently bankrupt and now foreclosed and unemployed folk, already know what many recently robbed and marginalized folk are starting to experience on upper ends of the wealth spectrum. What happens when they see their lot is the same and join their political efforts together? Are they suscpetible to another charismatic evil leader? I fear so.
Those socialist and bolshevik movements you fear almost did get a foothold in the depression. And, it was for the same reasons; classes of people being victimized and marginalized by forces of greed, concentrated wealth and power where many people saw those various versions of communist movements as an alternative. We were very close then to loosing our country to those movements, if you ask me. If it weren't for WWII, a very different scene may have played out in the US. And, I would NOT have wanted to see that despite what you may think.
So if you fear class warfare Dave, I would seriously be asking myself with which people of this country or the world and which class would you side if the crap hits the fan. Will you be an apologist for the 'machine' that gave us this, and use mockery to try and put down those you think are wrong and are seeking change? Or, would you be an activist for a new ethic for the 'people'.
And, I wouldn't be too smug to believe that if you are on what you think is the power side of that equation with an army and a police force that you'll be protected. You see, most of those folks in the various services come from the same under class, and the same middle class that has been disenfrancised, defrauded, and victimized by the power elite. They won't be turning any weapons on their moms and dads, sisters and brothers so much... Class warfare indeed, Dave.
I'm glad I am old.