Well Kelly and others who think in terms of future massive movements, some doomsdayers talk about the US renoucing its debt, pulling back to its borders and telling the world not to mess with us or else it is launch time, thus launching a world wide panic and political disorder in multiple vacuums, leading right into world war III. Yet, unlike the last world war, where when you add up the carnage of all the brutality and 10s of millions perished, even though we were lucky to have two oceans protecting us, we are pretty much back to talking MAD this time.
What do you tell people that have been bilked out of everything they had (which in some of these cases is seriou$$$ wealth) or are now foreclosed on, lost their retirement assets, got sick and had a loophole ridden policy and are now facing medical cause bankruptcy, etc.? Something tells me they don't want to hear any more idealogue laissez fair capitalist market works, and supply side economic theory. Maybe the American people are so shell shocked at all the mounting scandal and ubiquitous political corruption, and utter failure to be protected by the government they 'thought' they were electing to help them, that they haven't really added it up yet or haven't come to terms that it is not the just the other guy this time, but them.
Well, first tell them that "they" themselves likely played the game of trying in everyway they could to give money to legislators via some special interest org, to represent their own narrow special cause, and didn't see that the whole process was just a mutually assured distruction bribery as an institution war game played to maintain both Dem and Rep fortunate sons political position and power and favors were sold for the highest bidders. One special interest trumped another, trumped another until all the cards were gone and the deck was empty.
How telling is it that in a so called representative democratic republic of 300million plus people we can't find more willing honest servants than a cylce of family dynasties named Clinton, Kennedy and of course Bush and now more family political acts coming up through the same system. Pretty soon we'll have Track Palin in congress for crikey's sake.
The only way to stop this grab bag of power and government selling influence and favors to the highest contributor bidder and the most coniving political operatives, is to
get the money out of politics. Screw the first ammendment red herring argument that curtailing money in politics is curtailing free political speech. It has become darn right seditious of our original intended constitutional objectives to allow the money influence to buy off for special interest every office from dog catcher to President. You won't get rid of Madoffs, Blagojevich's, Cunninghams, Jeffersons, Abramhoffs, or Daley's (
) or their power broker manipulators like Rove, until you get the money as far out of politics as possible, and shutter the whore house capitol from anyone's lobbiest. If we expect a different result from the same old political arguments and philosophies, we are defining ourselves as crazy or demonstrating just how much we have reaped what we sowed and deserve. We need a new revolutionary national ethic, and must leave behind the old rhetoric, In My Humble Opinion.
Our 'Old Tom' saw some of this economic end game in a narrow scope compared to what is actually going on now, when he figured money center institutions (banks) would get so big and powerful and pervasive in their influence that they would lead to absolute national collapse. Forget all that monitarist debating academy argument BS - it is the macro process of money in politics corruption, not the esoteric minutia of specific theory or policy that is killing us.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be."
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our constitution - taking from the federal government their power of borrowing."
-Thomas Jefferson
Old Tom couldn't possibly imagine the actual wealth and power that modern day Wall Street Banks-Financial institutions and International conglomerates could/would coalesce via buying legislation via their lobbiests and power brokers, and yet he had that minor vision of an economic eventual melt down back then.