I can guarantee you and I can guarantee Jay Flemma or anyone else who's involved that I never want to hear about and certainly never want to get embroiled in any of these kinds of personal disputes amongst you guys. I don't know them and I don't want to know them or hear about them.
You have got to be kidding me! Please! Shall we bring up how you once went into my IM box and read and copied every message and then started posting it all on here on GCA? I still to this day get a kick out of that!
I think you have accomplished everything you claim you didn't want to happen. Congratulations, you've managed to turn this into a Merion discussion. The only thing missing is David Moriarty, Wayne Morrison and Tom MacWood.
As far as the Merion Golf Club and its members, for me AND THEM, it was water under the bridge a long, long time ago. Its you that didn't let it go. It's you that is bringing it up when it was a dead issue many years ago. Open up the Merion history book and see some of the photos. I helped out the club in anyway I could, working with DeVitas design, who designed and published the book. So there goes that theory of me being a bad guy in the club's eyes, or at least some of the members and employees.
Do I need to scan my note from the club pro and a very prominent member (who I'll spare giving his name, to protect his anonymity) who graciously thanked me for my help? (Does this sound like bad blood to you?) I've had nothing to say negative about Merion in over seven to eight years, nor participated in those recent threads of the last two years which brought this website to its knees. You forget the only reason why I did was because of my love of their great club and courses. You don't mention anything about that now do you? You chose to only focus on the negative.
Also, you forget that back in those days, I had a member encouraging me to post the things I did. You yourself agreed with much I had to say/all that many had to say in the somewhat negative light that had shined on Merion. Do I need to bring up all of the emails you would send to myself and others telling us that we were correct in our assumptions, yet you would have the correspondence between you and the Merion green chairman, showing us how you were playing both sides of the argument? (a true fact) I still have those emails if you ever would like to see them. Yet, your bringing up stuff that happened over 8 years ago and I'm stupid enough to still try to defend it! I will admit that I was less then supportive, but you fail to blame others who helped in that cause. Why is that? Both sides were right and both sides were wrong. END OF STORY, LET IT GO! Yet, you still bring it up; hanging on to every little detail as you see it. Go ask the club historian if I have been less then attentive in helping them with certain things the club needed or was trying to acquire.
I know the tact I took was wrong in many ways, it was inappropriate. I said some things that were out of line and I directly and indirectly apologized to those I may have upset. I was told that my apologies would be conveyed. They did the same. But also, there were things I have been told that were correct. I was even told of a story of a wall collapsing and that they feared I would find out and it would be on GCA. We both laughed. So much for the war!
Tom, I tried earlier in the weekend to make amends with Jay, and he refused. It's his deal now. But if he should write something that is speculative; should he write that a certain Biarritz green influenced by NGLA's Biarritz, then I'm going to make sure Jay knows that there is no Biarritz at NGLA. (an example, but one that isn't too far off) Why? Because it is discussion.
If Jay doesn't like people disagreeing with him, then he should stop the phone politicking. Quit the form letter writing campaign, which both threatens and asks that the receiver please not participate on his threads. (I know of two of these letters that exist) He should use that time to doing something more valuable--like doing some research to get it right the first time.