I have consulted at a few Korean owned clubs. In my experience, the racism mentioned is common, as is the Koreans lack of knowledge about environmental and even club culture issues, such as providing what members here really want. Many are buying with fortunes made in other businesses and a love of golf, but no golf biz experience.
In addition, if the typical club member senses that this will be a Korean dominated club, he is not likely to join, probably feeling he won't be part of club culture. Different races are one thing, but I think we all hate sitting in a club room and wondering what others are saying about us because we don't understand the language. I do know to listen for "Gwi Lo"!
Its a shame about those environmental issues. I still see owners ignoring those after 15 years of experience should tell us that they shouldn't. What did Cheech and Chong say? "We don't have no stinkin Wetlands!"