Tom MacWood said:
It would probably be a good idea to familarize yourself with the individuals who were involved with Carters and the other outfits, and then go through those letters again and check your club records again. I think you will be surprised what you find.
Wilson, Piper, Oakley and Macdonald were all intimately familar with the grass merchants and their construction arm. That is what I was getting at in my previous post, I strongly believe if you don't know what was transpiring in the previous years and you're not familiar with all the names its only natural you are going to miss things.”
Tony Muldoon said;
“Apparently it started with Carters at Walton Heath. Suttons were the bigger firm but slow to realise how big Golf was becoming.
Suttons entered the field properly with Colt in 1909.”
Mr. MacWood:
Firstly, I’d like to determine when not only seed companies like Carters and Sutton FIRST got involved in providing seed to comprehensively seed golf courses but also when those seed companies FIRST got into providing crews to projects for CONSTRUCION of projects, particularly in America.
You mentioned in your remarks above that you ’strongly believe’ this was transpiring in the years previous to Piper and oakey’s connection to Macdonald and Wilson. I believe Piper and Oakley became involved with Macdonald by 1909, at least, and I know they became involved with Wilson on Feb. 1, 1911.
If Tony Muldoon is correct with his dates in his remarks I quoted above I really don’t see what those previous years you mention you strongly believe were, at least in America.
It would probably be appropriate to construct a more detailed timeline before you mention you "strongly believe" something like that and then tell me I need to familiarize myself with it.

What courses in America were Carters and Suttons providing construction crews for BEFORE Macdonald and Wilson began their projects of NGLA and Merion East in which they consulted with Piper and Oakley?