To the esteemed Mr. Matt Ward,
Thanks for kindly letting me know there is "no set answer." Mercy, I would have never though of that! (wink) Somewhere, deep down in my bowels, I figured someone would point that little nuance out.
However, whilst not explicitly stated, I reckon I covered your variances in my original post sufficiently, by hinting at "the tee you normally play" but understand that when talking about par 3 length, even my examples tended to focus on back tee yardage. A few posters picked up on the idea, speaking in terms of clubs hit, like 3W, hybrid, mid iron, etc.
I agree that if looking for distance variety, "effective playing distance" is more important than the actual card. In fact, it would be a conversation point to have a long par 3 actually require a shorter club than a shorter par 3 just to confuse matters.
Interesting to know that Tilly was in the "iron only" camp about par 3. I wonder how the "flask architecture" school adjusted par 3 holes to account for the increased inspiration combined with decreased abilities towards the end of the flask and round? Should he have made the latter par 3 holes easier?
Jeffrey D. Brauer