Let me address your proposals:
1) Banning R&A & USGA
- I'm not sure why you want to blow up the governing bodies. Are they perfect? No. But, one unified body is not the problem. R&A & USGA are usually on the same page.
2) No player allowed on the course without dos and don'ts
- I like this one. Perhaps, we can do this positively and reserve early tee times to people who have a posted handicap and have taken an etiquette class. You don't want to stop people from playing, but stop the bad people from ruining it for you and me.
3) Burn all the carts and bring exercise back to golf
- Terrible idea. Have you ever played golf in Arizona or the Mountain West in the states? You can't have golf in some places without carts. Unfortunately, the world is getting fatter and lazier. I don't like clubs that are anti-cart. Do I prefer to walk? Usually. But, if I'm playing 36, I want to ride.
4) Remove all markers, yardage books, electronic distance aids, requiring the golfer to rely on his/her own ability to play the game (that will get rid of hopefully most of the moaners).
- Well, we'll never agree on this one. I'm not sure why you think an innate knowledge of distance is a requirement for golf. What about people with poor depth perception? People with poor eyesight? Name me one sport where an athlete is supposed to know a distance without any aid. I can't think of one.
5) Revise ball/club technology and limit course to 7,000 yards max. Allow the architects more freedom to produce more challenging courses thus encouraging the golfer to plan his shots carefully to avoid the traps.
- You're on the right track. I think the USGA is addressing the grooves, which will help reduce the reliance on rough to toughen up courses. The club technology has been slowed down with the limitation on COR. The ball is obviously next.
6) Reduce the Tour Games as it just drains money out of the sport.
- how? Has Tiger Woods been a positive for golf? He's made the game a fortune.
Well, it's a start. 2 out of 6 ain't bad.
A possible solution to the ills of Golf is to ban the R&A & USGA from interfering. Re look at all their decisions and correct all their errors. Then have a single body that is responsible and interested in the survival of golf.
No player allowed on a course without an initial induction of do’s & don’t 
Burn all the carts and bring exercise back into normal golf (carts only available for medical/age assisted problems)

Remove all markers, yardage books, electronic distance aids, requiring the golfer to rely on his/her own ability to play the game (that will get rid of hopefully most of the moaners).

Revise ball/club technology and limit course to 7,000 yards max. Allow the architects more freedom to produce more challenging courses thus encouraging the golfer to plan his shots carefully to avoid the traps.
Reduce the Tour Games as it just drains money out of the sport. 
Once we have resolved the above I can think of a few more items that need to be considered, but that for another post.

IMHO this will resolve the speed of a round (due to people dropping out or find they are unable to judge distance) and allow the true traditional golfer time to enjoy a round at their leisure.
Jon. Think you got more comments than you expected, so what’s my beef –very simple - other golfers who do not share my opinions.