I'm sure Ryan Simper and Sean Leary and a few others are laughing as they read this... because one of the adjectives at least I thought one of them used to describe Prairie Dunes was "relentless". And we argued over this for many days...
Because for me it is most definitely a negative term. I do not like courses where the challenge never ceases. I prefer a "breather" hole to be thrown in... and the more the breather hole really does have subtle challenge of its own, the better. But in your face, intense, non-stop challenge is simply not my cup of tea.
Which is rather why I prefer NGLA to Shinnecock, but then again we've discussed this countless times before, haven't we, Matt?
It's interesting though, I did not find Winged Foot West to be relentless at all. Tough yes, relentless no. I guess my definition of the term might differ from yours.. relentless to me means the chance for penalty shots shot after shot after shot after shot... long tough shots as one finds at Winged Foot, well... that's not relentless to me. Relentless is a course with water, OB, very high rough on every shot...
As I understand Oakmont and Bethpage Black, I wouldn't call those relentless either.
So I guess it depends on what you mean!
Relentless tough as found at WF-W, Oakmont, Bethpage, that's great by me.
Relentless tough as found at THE RANCH (San Jose, CA), that just plain sucks.