> Golf Course Architecture

Verticutting Question

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How long does it typically take greens to recover from verticutting and topdressing?

Dean Paolucci:
It depends on type of grass, time of year, temperature, etc.

Ryan DeMay:

The answer to your question is dependent upon a myriad of factors.  Location, type of grass or grasses present, weather forecast, fertility, the type of verticutting being done, etc. are necessary pieces of information for a specific answer. 

If regular light verticutting has been done it should heal up in relatively short order.  If a Graden or Sisis has been used to verticut it while take a little while longer to heal than traditional verticutting.  Here in Ohio, on bentgrass greens we  heal over from a Graden operation in 7-14 days.  Usually by day seven the lines are hardly noticeable, and by day 14 you cannot even tell we did anything. 

The best way to get this question answered is by the superintendent of your club.  I am sure he would be more than happy to give you more information on the process and the events preceding and following than you will ever want to know.

Grant Saunders:
Like the others have mentioned, there are a large numbers of factors that influence recovery.

I feel that correct verticutting(not scarifying) should have no noticeable affect on putting quality within 2-3 days of treatment. The lines may still be faintly visible for up to a week. Any longer than this and the chosen treatment was probably too severe. The desired frequency of application, depth, blade width, blade spacing and sand thickness should all be determined based on the current growth conditions and potential recovery and adjusted accordingly. It is important to match the treatment to the existing conditions as what was appropriate last time may not be suitable next time.

Verticutting is a cultural procedure that is best carried out lightly and frequently to obtain the best results.

Craig Sweet:
Grant, I agree...2-3 days and you shouldn't notice...especially if the top dressing was light...and you are applying water...


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