Hi Jeremy,
My very best advice would be to avoid 2 clubhouses if at all possible. We have 2 clubhouses at Sherwood, a 57,000 sq.ft. golf clubhouse and a 17,000 sq.ft. tennis clubhouse. The 2 buildings are about 400 yards apart. The problems that you run into are numerous: 1.) 2 complete staffs of waiters, cooks, managers, etc.; 2.) "us vs them" thinking in the membership; 3.) utility bills, landscape bills, etc.
I would try to get the 2 parties to agree on one clubhouse and do some sort of revenue sharing thing so that both municipalities are happy.
Remember: 2 clubhouses are twice the expense to operate. This forces a higher number of total membership which forces a higher number of rounds played which beats up the turf. In this case less is more.
Peter Wagner