Geez, I forgot I even posted to this thread and when I saw it went 6 pages thought I'd look in, and then was shocked that my name was used in context that I'm a racist because I couldn't remember the name of that Japanese fellow that 'owns' Riviera, that I'd seen a number of references to over the years from the many discussions that ensued about him arbitrarily having Fazio alter architecture, and being referred to as a bit of a tyrannt in matters of ruling the club. But, then I realised that what had happened was that I was tarred with the broad brush of "implying" from that innocuous description of the guy that runs Riviera, that I am surely a racist for using that description. WOW, you guys must be so afraid of any of my social opinions on the other thread, that you have to resort to making that leap of calling me a racist for describing a guy as "Japanese".
Then, after I made clear from my opening statement that I am all for private clubs remaining just that, private, I entered into areas I clearly stated "here is where it gets tricky for me is what is truly a "private" club, and what are the tax exempt benefits for being not-for-profit private in the totally exclusive sense."
Well holy crap, excuse me for asking any questions. Pat Mucci tried to be nice and informative to call to my attention where he thought I might be misinformed about "tax exempt" because I did ask if there is some conflict with the concept of a Privelege of being tax exempt and stating "off the tax rolls" I misstated that, and realise now that I was wrong to assume that these clubs don't pay ANY REAL ESTATE TAXES. Sorry, for my ignorace, even though I asked about this, not declared that it was factual.
My entire post was asking folks that know, and wondering how the relationship works with a club that is 'not-for'profit' referred to as such as 'tax-exempt' and further what the relationship is with members concerning equity members vis-a-vis rights to deeds ownership of the property of the club, and rules making.
I implied that I can think of a few things where a private club is granted 'priveleges' by government. They can be given permits to do things with environmental impact, they can be given diverse zoning, and can be evaluated for taxation of real estate on varying models. I ask; is that correct? If it is so, does that have any baring on if it is truly so private that it can make any rules that might be contrary to public policy.
Shockingly, I think they can make their own rules despite granting of various governmental permits to varying public common resources, like access to the regional aquifer as one example.
I'm willing to learn how private clubs operate because I am in the dark here.
I asked questions here, and feel sorry for cheapshotters that want to tar me as racist, or imply that my views on serious public policy matters like our rights as citizens to define healthcare as a fundamental right to pass legislation over, is that scary or threatening to some of you. Sorry to scare you Corey. But, was I swiftboated for my other views that I thought I had a right to express? Next, you guys will have me going to meetings of the communist party.