[quote author=John Vander Borght In other words, you have to have some rules (or assumptions or etiquette) that are agreed upon by the "like-minded individuals" beyond the three ones that were described above.
That is my point. Nothing can be as simple as some of you want to make it sound.
So how about 10 rules? Back in 1982 Golf Magazine developed 10 rules that simplified the game. They then printed the rules on the back of a bag tag and sold it. I still have a couple I bought from them back then, in fact, on is sitting on my desk.
Ken, those are good basic rules for play (with the exception that you don't get relief from an immovable obstruction in a water hazard anymore.)
They cover most things that will happen on the course on an everyday basis.
They don't deal with lots of issues that are important for golf. Clubs, balls, form of play, teeing ground, flagstick, identifying your ball, wrong ball, practice, advice, match play, stroke play, scorecards, caddies, committee responsibilities, dealing with disputes, how to drop, how to mark and replace, and, of course, the basic definition of the game.
These things might seem trivial (and some are), but without a complete definition of them (or most of them), the game can be played, but not truely contested in anything like a correct manner.
Take baseball as an example of the rules. Well, we all know there are 4 bases with 90 feet between them, 9 players on a side, 9 innings, 3 outs, 3 strikes, 4 balls, a pitcher who throws the ball and a batter who hits it. Pretty simple huh.
The Major League Baseball Rule book has only 10 rules compared to 34 for golf so everyone probably thinks its simpler. Well, the 10 rules have 119 subsections, while golf's rules have 121. Baseball needs 83 definititions, golf only needs 50. The basic portion of the rules of golf takes 93 small pages while baseball's rule book takes 124 full sized pages. Golf has local rules which add to this, but baseball parks have ground rules. I don't know if there is a decision book for baseball, but I bet there is.
Also, baseball's rules don't even cover the equipment: bats, balls, gloves etc.