"I thought Geoff was banned from the grounds. I guess they let anyone on during tournament week. I grow tired of his Riviera bashing as it smells of racism."
You are wrong Kemosabe. GeoffShac pretty much bashes all races, colors and creeds with equal alacrity. But when it comes to bashing the Riviera ownership that's of Japanese heritage, Geoff, being the expert researcher he is, understands that the Ohlhome indian tribe of California put a 10 generation curse on all people of Japanese descent on Dec 8, 1941 and he understands that Ohlhome indian curse permits Japanese bashing for any reason including gratuitous ones. It's sort of an American indian version of the pale-face's belief in the "Sins of Our Fathers" sort of thing.
Ryan Simper:
An overcooked steak is every bit as problematic as your ship going down in the North Atlantic! What's the matter with you, Boy, have you no sense of priority and civilized taste?