I find that urbanites have no respect for a time and a place. They just scream out an opinion anywhere anytime one pops in their thick skulls. This site is simply neither the time or place to say whatever is on your mind. This site, like no ther place I know, is the time and place to discuss golf course architecture without fear of being labeled a gay ass blow hard. That gets diluted with every political post.
The problem with your theory about "other" people blurting out things in public John, is that you have made a posting career out of blurting out some pretty outrageous stuff. Everyone must obey the king's rules except the king. I have enjoyed many of your off-the-wall observations, but abhored a few of your nastiest, for instance when you went off on a good person with very insulting language and your version of a 'call-out' that was so very unfounded and unwarranted. Yet, I take the good with the bad, just as I hope folks do with some of my soemtimes radical pronouncements of opinion, when something trips my trigger.
Craig is right, however, IMO. I called it censureship, and it wasn't that in the classic sense. Somehow, an owner of the site decided to delete content by actually taking down an entire 4-5 pages of ideas on a seminal topic of the day that just unfortunately wasn't too golfy. That is the owner's right. Someone suggested it may not have been the moderators that pulled it, the thread originator can delete the whole darn thing. Well, again in MHO, that is too bad.
The thing is, this is a "closed" poster site to a mere 1500 worldwide, where you need to register, and be given access. That makes this a sort of closed club party and a discussion often times among friends and previous acquintences. It is not the Southwest terminal, so much as a key club, Elks, Eagles, Rotary, Optimists, or the grill room at Victoria National.
I for one learn a great deal both from the challenge of arguing with a fellow like Lou (who no one can say is not ready with smart arguements) and sometimes I have to go to some research to figure out what people are saying. It is a learning process better than school, IMHO. To be in a closed club, where sometimes the golf discussion becomes a little redundant (particularly to long timers who have to some degree heard most of the ideas on MacRaynorBanks expressed about 1000 times now) a good intelligent discussion aside, can be much more stimulating.
Yet, it is a golf discussion board, and to know if Obama plays golf apparently takes presidence over the totally incongruous discussion of tax policy and H.C. that insues among 'GCA members'. And while fascinating and unique and a tribute to the free market place of ideas that such a deviation occurs between citizens who 'revel' in the free speech of it all, we have to conform or take our ball elsewhere.
I post infrequently on Huffington post as DaMare. But, it isn't the same as speaking/writing almost directly with people I have come to know either in internet persona or in person from meet-ups. Those sort of Blogs are populated with 100s or thousands if not millions, and a voice is so small there, where it is more effective here.
I do believe that Ran missed the boat with not having the O.T. button to transfer ongoing non-golf archie debates. It might be better learning opportunity than university of the Internet.