bringing back this oldie cause I had my shirt from the Dunes Club on today: the "D" is a bent golf club, very cool
I also really like my hat from Five Farms: anything with a pre-1900 date is automatically great, I'd think...
Wow...this thread is old! Good point, Paul-"Old" is oftentimes very, very good.
Preferably, any logo that doesn't have the club's name on it. If it doesn't have a golf club, or golf balls, or any reference to golf, even better. In my closet, my Burning Tree shirt is a favorite for that reason.
Wayne Freeman and I thought The Creek's was interesting (Piping Plover) although it has a golf club. Fitting to the club.
My opinion is the best are the most understated. As I get older I find I like logoed items less and less.