A Silis:
The Bronco/Spartan rivalry still exists, but it really really faded when we gave up football. As you know back in the day the football teams used to play each other, and even though our poor little D-II Broncos generally got killed, the rare close games or victories (were there any?) were a huge big deal. Now without that, well... they've created this "challenge series" that gives a cup each year to the school with the most wins in all sports combined, but it seems to me no one pays that much attention to it - MUCH more attention is paid to each school's league rivals. Oh, the basketball games still have some meaning... but it's nothing like our day. I am 85 grad of SCU.
Now as for The Ranch #7, all I can say is it's WORSE in person that that flyover shows. I am not kidding. It truly does have to be seen to be believed. One's choices after a decent tee shot are either a SW layup to an area 5 yards wide, or a shot from a downill lie in about the 200 range trying to wrap it around a tree, over a lake, to a green that has a 5 foot side to side tier, with OB left and a cart path to bounce the ball OB. I swear this could be the single worst-conceived golf hole I have ever seen.
Andy: I believe your plate is full with the best we have to offer. But if you want the worst for contrast, well you know where to go.