I participate on golf club atlas, and I want to ask you about your architecture......" That would make all of us defensive!
Why?.......If you are going to be blunt, how can you not expect the same from others?
Like Craig, an attempt at humor. Of course, most humor is funniest when it rings true!
While you would think that being blunt would naturally go both ways, in real life it doesn't giving rise to the oft needed phrase "Can dish it out but can't take it!"
Tom D,
Plaid? You mean Tartan? Hey, if you want me to defend you more often, you oughta get you some of that!
Seriously, I was defending Jack Fricking Nicklaus as much as ASGCA. In most parts of the golf world, he would be thought to deserve some slack.
I don't recall everything I may have written here on collaboration, but think my last offering on the subject was something on the order of "Old MacDonald has Doak, what else do they need?" However, even if I defended it in theory, my post on this thread simply acknowledges it would be difficult, but not impossible, to collaborate and many gca's would usually avoid it if they could. I think.
Its not just all ego either. When I am out on site trying to figure out the best solution, and considering the million things we need to, adding one extra - "what would my collaborator think?" can chill the process, at least in my experience.
Going back to the TD doesn't know a golf shot comment. I really took that as being a) standard pro marketing and b), standard pro belief. Its amazing how consistent the half dozen tour pros I have collaborated with are on what makes for a good shot, and how the golf course ought not stop them from making it. TD, I think, and tries to set up shots that are difficult to execute, or require different type shots.
Pros hate that stuff, and thus JN's comments. Its not quite that cut and dried, but its close!