John, this isn't a matter of putting down women, as you say. I'd think you of all people would applaud someone calling it like they see it, not bowing down to political correctness.
The article I read (Golf Digest's article) said the author was not able to verify a single witness - not one - to any shot, despite numerous attempts to verify. Numerous courses were not even able to verify she played there, and numerous witnesses expressed incredulity at the results.
Maybe I should say in my opinion she needs help, but again, I would've thought you'd be against such parsing.
Jay, I can't see why Peter Kostis would buy in either, other than wanting to be in the limelight, which, given his position, is also a little hard to believe. I'd guess he just wants to believe the story. Heck, I'd like to believe it, too, but it is way beyond believable.
I can easily accept someone having an ace that they didn't witness, or even that no one witnessed. I cannot accept repeated explanations of a ball headed into the trees, or right of some bunker, only to be found in the hole. Call me a skeptic.