Aiken looks like a real contender; the course website lists its peak rate for non-members at $25, a rare case of a poster trying to skirt the rules and missing too high! (That is, for 51 weeks of the year; I do note this caveat: course dates to 1912 and was designed by a John Inglis, who I don't know much if any about. Doug -- any more details?
Shenandoah Valley has $20 walking Mon-Thurs., and $25 walking on Fridays, and some very affordable post-2 p.m. walking rates. But, alas, it's carts mandatory Sat., Sun. and holidays pre-2 p.m., and for $50, it's a far cry from the criteria set out for this thread.
I just realized my recent round of putt-putt golf with the kids at Madison's famed Vitense Golfland -- which quite literally does have a clown's mouth -- cost me $7, or not much less than the $10.75 I "paid" for the afternoon round at Spring Valley.
Anyone out there played either of the two older Rockford, Ill., courses -- Sandy Hollow or Ingersoll? Both are more than 75 years old, and Ingersoll is a Bendelow from 1922. I've been meaning to play Ingersoll, but haven't made it yet. $22 for weekend play, they both easily make the eligibility criteria.